Tuesday, February 17, 2009

my Boss tag me *wink* (ade ke bos korg tag2 korg..insan terpilih je tau.... huhuhu)

i telah di tag oleh kak ain (my boss) ....sory boss da lame x update blog, so x perasan pon i di tag.hehehhee..

The rules goes like this - Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.

I am:

I really want to go to:

My favourite place is:

My favorite thing is:

My favorite drink is:

My favourite food is:

My favorite color is:

I live in:

I was born in:

I attended:

My favorite story is:

Why??? sbb ade upin & ipin? :D

This is my hobby:

tido itu ibadah.....moh kita tido n berehat

and I definitely dream for:

nk kwen lah...umo da mkin mningkat...parents da berumur.
Insyaallah kalo bertemu jodoh.

So, I'm done with my tagging and now I'd like to share this tag game with my friends :
1. amuscomey (bru nk update blog)
and sapa2 je lah nk wat...

1 comment:

a m l y n y x said...

ila, akak dah buat tag ni. cekidaut okeh!